


空气滤芯过滤进入发动机的空气,以及灰尘和微粒,但它只是进入发动机的自然空气。爱游戏官方微信会员汽车空气滤清器主要负责去除空气中的颗粒杂质。活塞机械(内燃机、往复式压缩机等)工作时,如果吸入的空气中含有灰尘等杂质,就会加重零件的磨损,所以必须安装空气过滤器。爱游戏官方微信会员空气净化器由滤芯和外壳组成。空气过滤器的主要要求是过滤效率高,流动阻力小,长期连续使用爱游戏官方微信会员无需维护。汽车发动机是非常精密的零件,即使是最小的杂质也会损坏发动机。因此,空气在进入气缸之前,必须经过空气过滤器的仔细过滤,才能进入气缸。空气过滤器是发动机的守护神。空气滤清器的状态关系到发动机的使用寿命。如果在汽车行驶过程中使用脏的空气滤清器,会导致发动机供油不足,燃油燃烧不完全,导致发动机运行不稳定,功率下降,油耗增加。 Therefore, the car must keep the air cleaner clean. Automotive Air Filter Element and Air Conditioning Filter Element: Air Conditioning Filter Element Automotive Air Filter Element and Air Conditioning Filter Element: Air Conditioning Filter Element The air-conditioning filter element is used to filter the air in the air conditioner, for example, you turn on the air conditioner or circulate outside, filter dust and pollen, etc. Car air filters can bring cleaner environment to cars. The automobile air filter belongs to an automobile article and consists of a filter element and a shell. Its main requirements are high filtration efficiency, low flow resistance and long-term continuous use without maintenance. Automotive Air Filter Element and Air Conditioning Filter Element: Difference The two are completely different. If the air-conditioning filter element is dirty, you can wash and blow it yourself and change it for more than 10,000 yuan. The air filter element can only be changed, generally, it is best to change 5,000, at most 10,000, to protect the engine. Both are 30-50 yuan, not expensive.
